Category: news

  • WP5 general meeting in Spain (Demonstration site 3)

    WP5 general meeting in Spain (Demonstration site 3)

    The CAPTUS demonstration site 3 is located at the Grupo Cementos Portland Valderrivas (GCPV) cement plant facilities in Mataporquera (Cantabria, Spain), representing thus the third energy intensive industry (EII), the cement sector, the project is focused on. By implementing R&D&I actions, the CAPTUS partners involved in WP5, Universidad de Cantabria (UNICAN, WP5 leader), GCPV, SINTEF, APRIA Systems S.L. and CIRCE – Centro Tecnológico will evaluate the…

  • 2nd CAPTUS Press Release – First CAPTUS project’s scientific publications

    2nd CAPTUS Press Release – First CAPTUS project’s scientific publications

    The CAPTUS consortium is pleased to announce the publication of its first scientific papers. The 4-year project coordinated by Fundación CIRCE Centro de Investigación de Recursos y Consumos Energéticos (CIRCE) aims to demonstrate the sustainable and cost-effective production of high-added value renewable energy carriers (RECs) in energy intensive industries (EIIs) by valorising industrial carbon emissions…

  • Second CAPTUS Steering Committee Meeting

    Second CAPTUS Steering Committee Meeting

    The 2nd CAPTUS Steering Committee Meeting took place virtually on the 3rd of April 2024. During the meeting, the leaders of the eight Work Packages of the project presented an overview of the work done so far and the main achivements. Additionally, there was also time to talk about the following steps and actions to…

  • The first CAPTUS Newsletter is out!

    The first CAPTUS Newsletter is out!

    CAPTUS project just launched its first newsletter! This first edition includes a very interesting interview with the CAPTUS coordination team (CIRCE Technology Centre), an easy-to-understand overview of the three CAPTUS demonstration sites in Belgium, Portugal and Spain, and more relevant information about the implementation of the project during its first eight months of lifetime. The…

  • Industrial Carbon Management interactive stories: a new tool to discover EU-funded projects in the CCUS sector

    Industrial Carbon Management interactive stories: a new tool to discover EU-funded projects in the CCUS sector

    The EU goal to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 relies, among other measures, on the investments in industrial carbon management technologies (ICM), which include carbon dioxide capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS). Supporting this end, since 2018, the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) has built up a portfolio of 84 projects covering EUR 2.3 billion…

  • CAPTUS Demonstration sites

    CAPTUS Demonstration sites

    During the next four years, the EU-funded project CAPTUS will investigate carbon capture technologies and strategies to help energy intensive industries (EIIs) to offset energy costs and increase their overall sustainability. To do so, CAPTUS will build and test pilot installations at three demonstration sites – a steel plant in Belgium, a chemical plant in…

  • The first CAPTUS Newsletter is coming soon!

    The first CAPTUS Newsletter is coming soon!

    The CAPTUS consortium is excited to announce the launch of our first newsletter edition soon! Make sure to join our mailing list now and receive news, updates, exclusive content and insights on the project. Subscribe here

  • CAPTUS Flyer is out!

    CAPTUS Flyer is out!

    The CAPTUS flyer is out now! Visit our Resources section on the project website to find the brand-new flyer to learn more about the project, including its main objectives, the methodology to be followed and its excellent consortium. The flyer is available for downloading.

  • CAPTUS M6 General Assembly Meeting in Genoa, Italy (16th & 17th of January, 2024)

    CAPTUS M6 General Assembly Meeting in Genoa, Italy (16th & 17th of January, 2024)

    Between the 16th and 17th of January 2024, the CAPTUS project holds its 6-month General Assembly Meeting in Genoa, Italy. During this two-day meeting, CAPTUS partners presented the progress of the different work packages. The consortium also discussed the next steps, upcoming actions and even the future exploitation of the key exploitable results of the…

  • Happy winter season and new year!

    Happy winter season and new year!

    The CAPTUS consortium wishes everyone a lovely and peaceful winter holiday season 🎄❄ and a fantastic new year full of peace, joy and great moments ✨✨! Follow us to discover all our activities and relevant findings during 2024!