The CAPTUS demonstration site 3 is located at the Grupo Cementos Portland Valderrivas (GCPV) cement plant facilities in Mataporquera (Cantabria, Spain), representing thus the third energy intensive industry (EII), the cement sector, the project is focused on. By implementing R&D&I actions, the CAPTUS partners involved in WP5, Universidad de Cantabria (UNICAN, WP5 leader), GCPV, SINTEF, APRIA Systems S.L. and CIRCE – Centro Tecnológico will evaluate the feasibility for the application of new technologies, such as CO2 carbon capture and usage (CCU), generation of renewable energy (RE) and use of green H2 and, in general, application of their emerging techniques in the clinker and cement processes.
Between the 11th and 12th of April, all WP5 partners met in Cantabria for a successful general meeting to discuss the technical details of the implementation of the demonstration site 3 and the different related tasks of this WP. The meeting was organised by UNICAN in collaboration with GCPV.
During the first day of the meeting, the partners had the opportunity to visit the GCPV cement plant and check the potential locations for the demonstration site 3. On the second day, the meeting took place at the UNICAN facilities, where all participants had the opportunity to visit different laboratories and attend a very interesting modelling workshop.
Do you also want to know more about the CAPTUS demonstration site 1 (Belgium, EII: the steel sector) and 2 (Portugal, EII: the chemical sector)? Please, visit our dedicated sections on the website:
CAPTUS Demonstration site 1 – CAPTUS (
CAPTUS Demonstration site 2 – CAPTUS (