

On the 18th of June, CAPTUS successfully hosted its first dissemination workshop organised by partner EEIP with more than 100 participants.

As a keynote speaker, the workshop counts with Konstantina Plakaki from the Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy Furthermore, two EU-funded projects (Fuelgae & SINNOGENES) joined the event, presenting a very interesting overview of their innovative approaches to CO2 capture and renewable energy solutions, showing the important contribution of EU-funded projects to this specific topic.

Though a dedicated panel discussion, the event introduced the most important challenges industries face for the integration of Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) technologies into their existing processes. The following relevant experts joined the panel discussion:

  • Dr. Milana Ayzenberg, CTO, CAOX
  • Marine Cornelis, Executive Director, Next Energy Consumer
  • Filippo Gasparin, Project Manager, CINEA
  • Prof. Dr. F. Pelayo Garcia De Arquer, Group Leader, ICFO

Thank you very much to all speakers, panalists, moderators and participants for a really interesting exchange!

The recording of the event is available here