The University of Cantabria, official CAPTUS partner, attended the European Research Night 2023 (September 29th) and Science Night 2023 (November 17th) in Spain, sharing with all participants valuable information about its ongoing research projects, including CAPTUS.
Within the project, the University of Cantabria is involved in the work packages concerning the baseline assessment and definition of the project framework, the validation and impact assessment, exploitation and communication and dissemination activities.
CAPTUS will demonstrate sustainable and cost-effective pathways to produce high-added value renewable energy carriers (RECs) in energy intensive industries (EIIs) by valorising industrial carbon emissions and integrating renewable electricity surplus. Three complete RECs value chains will be demonstrated at 3 different demonstration sites: (1) A bioprocess based on a two-stage fermentation to produce triglycerides in a steel plant, (2) lipids-rich microalgae cultivation followed by hydrothermal liquefaction to produce bio-oils in a chemical plant and (3) electrochemical reduction of CO2 to produce formic acid in a cement plant
The University of Cantabria is the demonstration site 3 leader and the technology developer of electrochemical conversion stage (ERCO2).