

The CAPTUS Project officially started on 1 June 2023 with the aim to demonstrate sustainable and cost-effective pathways to produce high-added value renewable energy carriers (RECs) in energy-intensive industries (EIIs) by the valorisation of their carbon emissions and the integration of renewable energy sources. The CAPTUS consortium, coordinated by CIRCE, includes 18 partners from 8 EU countries working together for 48 months. 

The Kick-Off meeting of the project took place on the 15th and 16th of June 2023 in Zaragoza (Spain), where the CAPTUS partners had the chance to know each other and discuss the first steps and actions to be carried out during the first months of its implementation, as well as the identification of the main challenges of this interesting Horizon Europe project.

To learn more, take a look at the 1st CAPTUS press release, informing about the concept of the project, its objectives and additional background information.