Tag: news

  • The second CAPTUS Newsletter is out!

    The second CAPTUS Newsletter is out!

    CAPTUS project just launched its second newsletter! This second issue presents detailed information regarding the progress of the project, especially on the three CAPTUS demonstration sites, and the main achievements during its last months, including the implementation of the first CAPTUS dissemination workshop. The second CAPTUS newsletter can be found here Make sure to join…

  • New CAPTUS scientific publication!

    New CAPTUS scientific publication!

    Our partner University of Cantabria (UNICAN) just published a new peer-reviewed article ( “Inhibiting salt precipitation on the gas diffusion electrode surface in gas-phase CO2 electroreduction to formate by using an acidic anolyte”) with some very interesting project’s results in the Journal of CO2 Utilization. The gas-phase CO2 electroreduction to formate represents one of the most promising…

  • Carbon Capture: A Key Component of the Energy Transition (EPCIntel general article)

    Carbon Capture: A Key Component of the Energy Transition (EPCIntel general article)

    “Carbon Capture is an essential technology for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and achieving climate goals. By integrating Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) into various industrial and power generation processes, and exploring innovative utilization and storage methods, the energy sector can make significant strides towards a sustainable and low-carbon future.” EPCIntel (Energy sector EPC market intelligence…

  • CAPTUS at the CO2RED Project “CO2 for Sustainability” Workshop (23 July 2024, Lyon, Lisboa, Portugal)

    CAPTUS at the CO2RED Project “CO2 for Sustainability” Workshop (23 July 2024, Lyon, Lisboa, Portugal)

    CAPTUS was presented at the CO2RED “CO2 for Sustainability” Workshop. Today July 23, the Workshop “CO2 for Sustainability” was held at the Leopoldo Guimarães Auditorium – CENIMAT|i3N, at NOVA School of Science and Technology (Caparica Campus, Lisboa, Portugal). This Workshop was organised in the scope of the CO2RED project, financed by FCT, of which LNEG…

  • CAPTUS at the 18th International Congress on Catalysis (14-19 July 2024, Lyon, France)

    CAPTUS at the 18th International Congress on Catalysis (14-19 July 2024, Lyon, France)

    CAPTUS was presented at the 18th ICC 2024! Guillermo Diaz Sainz from the University of Cantabria (UNICAN) brought the project and some results of the demonstration site 3 as a poster communication with the title: Design of a bismuth-based cathode for the CO2 electroreduction to formate in a custom three-compartment reactor. The French catalysis community…

  • New CAPTUS scientific publication!

    New CAPTUS scientific publication!

    Our partner University of Cantabria (UNICAN) just published some very interesting project’s results in the Computer Aided Chemical Engineering journal. The volume 53 of the book series, on the occasion of the 34th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering / 15th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering, includes the chapter “Modelling and stochastic optimization of a…

  • CO₂ VALUE EUROPE: Reinforcement and Synchronisation Are Needed to Support CCU at the EU and Member State Levels

    CO₂ VALUE EUROPE: Reinforcement and Synchronisation Are Needed to Support CCU at the EU and Member State Levels

    CO₂ VALUE EUROPE just published its 7 policy guidelines to boost Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) in the next policy cycle (2024-2029). Through an adequate policy framework, this guideline was built on CO₂ Value Europe’s quantitative assessment of CCU’s role in the EU in 2050, estimated to contribute to at least 8% in GHG reductions in…

  • ERT releases analysis on the EU’s competitiveness for energy-intensive industries and state of energy infrastructure

    ERT releases analysis on the EU’s competitiveness for energy-intensive industries and state of energy infrastructure

    The European Round Table for Industry (ERT) just released two reports, developed in partnership with the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), focusing on the state of Europe’s energy transition. These new ERT reports, detail the many obstacles to overcome to make Europe sustainable, without further compromising its resilience and competitiveness. The first report, entitled “Competitiveness of the…

  • Second CAPTUS Steering Committee Meeting

    Second CAPTUS Steering Committee Meeting

    The 2nd CAPTUS Steering Committee Meeting took place virtually on the 3rd of April 2024. During the meeting, the leaders of the eight Work Packages of the project presented an overview of the work done so far and the main achivements. Additionally, there was also time to talk about the following steps and actions to…

  • The first CAPTUS Newsletter is out!

    The first CAPTUS Newsletter is out!

    CAPTUS project just launched its first newsletter! This first edition includes a very interesting interview with the CAPTUS coordination team (CIRCE Technology Centre), an easy-to-understand overview of the three CAPTUS demonstration sites in Belgium, Portugal and Spain, and more relevant information about the implementation of the project during its first eight months of lifetime. The…