Universidad de Cantabria Department of chemical Engineering

Created in 1972, the University of Cantabria(UNICAN, Spain) is a public institution, whose main objective is to contribute to social progress through its commitment to teaching and scientific excellence. In order to achieve its aims, it seeks a constant improvement in the quality of its work, which translates into the application of a process of review and improvement of all its teaching, research and administrative activity. This constant demand allows it to be one of the nine Campuses of International Excellence in Spain and to be consideredoneofthetenbestuniversitiesinthecountryforitsqualityandscientificproductivity.

With a wide range of degrees covering all branches of knowledge (Arts and Humanities, Sciences, Health Sciences, Social and Legal Sciences and Engineering and Architecture) and cycles (Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctorate), the scientific work developed in the UC is high-quality and some of its research groups are to be found amongst the leaders at an international level in their area of knowledge.

Main role in the project:

Implicated in the work packages concerning the baseline assessment and definition of the project framework, the validation and impact assessment, exploitation and communication and dissemination activities, UNICAN is the demonstration site 3 leader and the technology developer of electrochemical conversion stage (ERCO2).