RINA Consulting SPA

RINA is a private, multinational company headquartered in Genoa, Italy. It was founded in 1861 under the name Registro Italiano Navale (Italian Naval Register). Until 1999, RINA worked almost exclusively as a ship classification company, and has since included operations in the following sectors: Energy and Mobility, Marine, Certification, Industry and Real Estate and Infrastructure. The company has also expanded its services in the fields of testing, inspection and certification and engineering consultancy. In 2000, RINA inherited a legacy from one of the world’s first ship classification registers (Registro Italiano Navale) and turned it into a “business-to-society” company that helps clients stay ahead of changes and grow sustainably. RINA specializes in testing, inspection, certification and engineering solutions across a wide range of markets including, among others, marine, energy and mobility, real estate and infrastructure, space and defense, industry 4.0.

Main role in the project:

RINA consulting is the leader of the work package 2 in charge of the baseline assessment and definition of the project framework and is in charge of the Task 2.1 T2.2

RINA also leads the Task 7.1 in charge of providing guidelines and recommendations to the project and establishing business models in Task 7.2.